发布日期:2025-01-03 18:03 点击次数:194
误译:As the two studios scrambled to produce a film on the same subject, the plots of the two films collided with each other.
正译:As the two studios scrambled to produce a film on the same subject, the plots of the two films overlapped with each other.
解释:这里“撞车”是“碰巧一样” 的意思。to collide 的意思是to strongly disagree in opinion,即“意见冲突”,不表示“情节或内容雷同”。to overlap的意思是to cover part of the
same area of sth,即“部分范围重叠”,有“撞车”的比喻意义。
“撞车”的第一个意思是“车辆相撞”。英语动词可以译为 to collide,名词可以译为 collision。例如:
1. 昨天,两辆卡车在这里撞车了。
Yesterday, two trucks collided with each other here.
“撞车”的第二个意思是比喻“时间冲突或内容重复”。英语可以译为 to happen to be at the same time, to overlap。例如:
2. 这两个会议撞车了,我只能参加一个。
As the two meetings happen to be held at the same time, I can attend only one of them.
“撞”的第一个意思是“运动着的物体跟别的物体猛然相碰”。英语可以译为 to knock down, to bump into, to crash, to collide。